Why Am I A Beauty, Pleasure, & Empowerment Coach?
Because I Want To Teach You What I Know!
I was a woman who was burnt out seeing over a hundred patients a week and taking care of everyone around me but myself. I began feeling like I was just a work horse. I was working long hours and I felt overworked, exhausted, and under appreciated. I then surrendered as I knew that the life I was living was not the iconic and legendary life that I desired to live. I started taking care of myself exquisitely. I began to live in beauty. I began to desire. I started to cultivate life’s pleasures and study femininity, the power of embodiment, pleasure, bliss, and receptivity. I just started to follow my pleasure and what felt good. I began to savor the beauty and sensuality of my life. I followed a path of pleasure and royalty instead of duty, servitude, and obligation. I had more fun, more passion, and more romance. I studied under the world’s most amazing sex, love, and relationship experts and under powerful seven figure women and then all of sudden in a matter of 10 months….Amazing things happened to me!
I was invited by a Fashion Designer to go to Paris Fashion Week.
I connected with a seven figure business coach while in NYC who gave me tools to begin my business with little to no effort. I was in the city and she just opened up time for me.
I completed my Doctorate of Divinity with less effort than ever before and I was asked to put my dissertation into a book as the Dean knew an artist who wanted to do the illustrations.
I was proposed to at the Inn at Little Washington (Queen Elizabeth’s favorite US Destination) in the most loving and romantic way.
I was offered a speaking position where I was sent to the Ritz Carlton Orlando and paid $3000 for four hours of work.
I connected with an amazing celebrity make-up artist that has gifted me with so many amazing tools and now I am a part of her elite international team.
I received a random phone call on a Saturday night where I was asked to co-author a woman’s empowerment book and by the end of the conversation I was asked to write not one but two books.
I then without applying was gifted a scholarship to write my own book. While most people are struggling to get published… this was just gifted to me.
Out of no-where, the man that hurt me so deeply as a teenager gave me the most beautiful apology when we had not spoken for decades.
I was second runner up for a Media Scholarship where I was gifted media skills with the first at home YouTube video I ever made.
With no effort I was given the opportunity to be on an Author’s Bureau and an International Speakers Bureau.
I got accepted into a highly competitive 600 hour Integrated Sex, Love, and Relationship Professional Coaching Certification Program.
My romantic life with my beloved became even more passionate and loving and the romance just keeps getting better.
Men now stop me to compliment me for no reason.
Oh and that job that exhausted me….I received a new one…where I am loved and appreciated.