13% Of All Profits Will Be Given To Charity
You Can Chose Which One!
y out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.~Princess Diana
Coming Soon Majestic Beauty’s Non-Profit Foundation
Magdalene’s Legacy
A Majestic Beauty Foundation that helps to save personal lives by healing broken hearts, and creating more love, beauty, connection, and intimacy in the world.
By teaching others what self love and what true deep intimacy looks like. This foundation will help people after tragedy and will specifically be helping domestic abusive, sexual abuse, and sex traffic survivors where they will learn the tools to re-create a life filled with beauty, safety, love, empowerment, and happiness.
Hope For Justice
A charity that exists in order to bring an end to modern slavery also known as human trafficking by rescuing victims, restoring lives, and reforming society.
LivON Foundation
The LivON Foundation works to increase awareness of symptoms and hopeful prevention of Colon Cancer in those 50 years of age and under. In addition, the LivOn Foundation assists in financial support to individuals 50 years of age and under affected by Colon Cancer in the Hampton Roads, Virginia, area.
American Cancer Association:
Look Good Feel Better Foundation
A charity that is dedicated to helping women look their best during chemotherapy, radiation, and other cancer treatments.
King’s Ransom
A charity dedicated to upholding the cause of the widow, the orphan, the poor and the needy.That seeks to reflect the Character of God through direct humanitarian activities. Every person is precious to God, and He has a destiny and a plan for each of us, but poverty hinders many from fulfilling that destiny. By removing their barriers, we free people to pursue the life God has called them to live.
For The Month of May 20% of Profits Will Go To:
The Ninety Nines
The Ninety-Nines is the international organization of women pilots that promotes advancement of aviation through education, scholarships, and mutual support while honoring our unique history and sharing our passion for flight.