Rich Woman Sexy !
I‘m Dr. Tanja Isabella
The CEO Seductress &
Founder of Rich Woman Sexy
& The Millionheiress Mindset
Welcome To Your Majestic Beauty, A Global Brand & Divine Feminine Operating System Designed Just For You !
Are You Ready For Mastering The Art of Seduction In Both The Bedroom & The Boardroom ?
Are You Ready To Tap Into Your CEO Seductress…
A Place Of Royalty & Receiving…
Where Everyone In Your Empire Knows That You Are Prized & Invaluable Because As An Embodied Brand People See Luxury, Sophistication, Power, & Genius When They Are In Your Presence.
Are You Ready To Confidently Claim Your Feminine Power, Your Unique Zone Of Genius & Awaken All Of Your Gifts.
Are You Ready To Remove Obstacles & Old Belief Systems So You Can Finally Have Both The Million Dollar Business & The Million Dollar Marriage or Relationship.
Let’s Ignite Your Unique Desires & Gifts…
So Ultimately You Can Have It All!
Lets Face It Beauty
You Are Your Brand
You Market Yourself Constantly
& Sexuality = Sales
As a CEO Seductress You Will Exquisitely Claim A Powerful & Pleasurable Relationship To Your Body, Your Sexuality, & Your Feminine Power In Order To Receive Both The Love & Lifestyle You Desire!
It’s About Mesmerizing, Manifesting, & Magnetizing !
It’s About You Being Powerfully Feminine & Living A Life You Love & Finally Going From Exhaustion To Ecstasy!
Are You Ready…
To Heal Both Your Relationships & Your Money Wounds In Order To Receive The Best Life Has To Offer & Live Your Iconic Legendary Life ?
Would You Like The Tools To Have Both Power & Influence In the Boardroom and the Bedroom?
Are You Ready to Become An Iconic, Glamorous, & Seductive Woman Of Power & Class By Connecting With Your Sacred Beauty, Your Sensuality, & Your Divine Feminine Power ?
Would You Like To Be Introduced To Sex Transmutation ( A Secret Practiced By The Worlds Most Rich & Famous Written About In Napoleon Hills Book Think & Grow Rich )
In Order To Receive More Passion, Pleasure, Power, & Prosperity In Your Life ?
Are You Ready To Heal All Aspects of Yourself That Are Preventing You From Having The Love & Lifestyle You Desire ?
Are You Ready To Know What a Prosperous and Abundant Relationship With Your Beloved & Money Feels Like ?
Are You Ready To Birth The Business, The Brand, The Wealth, The Epic Love, & The Passionate Sex You So Deeply Desire?
As Seen In!
I’m Dr. Tanja Isabella, I’m a certified sexuality, love, & relationship expert, a published author, a CEO, & an international empowerment coach that specializes in igniting passion & prosperity in your life.
In addition I have practiced Dermatology for over a decade.
I am a real estate investor & a certified business and wealth coach.
On a personal level my boyfriend is a Super Bowl Champion who adores me.
I assist woman like you who are overachieving and exhausted. Women who are numb, burnt out, and disconnected with their libido & their passions in life.
Woman like you who deeply desire to live a life they love by feeling amazing in their bodies & confidently powerful in both their professional & their personal lives.
I assist woman in both birthing the business dreams they desire and creating their iconic life, deep passion, free sexual expression, and intimate loving connection in order for them to have the pleasure, the power, the abundance, the radiance, & the romance they desire.
If you desire to connect with your sensuality, live passionately, and be the confident, successful, & magnetic woman that is beautifully seen, powerfully heard, loved, & celebrated – Connect with me and let’s begin your majestic path of pleasure today!
Overcome Burn Out & Live Your Legendary Life By Embodying Your Queen Type™
Discover Your Queen Type™ By Taking This Quiz Oh, Yes!
Are You Ready To Live Your Legendary Life By
Feeling Beautiful, Confident, & Amazing In Your Body?
Having An Epic Love Affair With Both Men & Money?
Going From Exhaustion To Ecstasy?
Master The Feminine Arts Of Authentic Beauty, Pleasure, & Receptivity?
Feeling Both Powerful and Feminine By Claiming Your Royal Femme-in-ine Power?
Having Both The Professional & The Personal Life You Desire?
Man-i-festing More Pleasure & Passionate Love?
Positioning Yourself to Be Successful In The Board Room & The Bedroom?
Becoming A Queen In Her Receiving Line?
Then You Are Ready To Activate Your Initiation Into The Queen Types!
Rekindle Your Radiance, Reignite Romance, & Reclaim Your Royalty!
Connect With Me For Your Queen Type™ Discovery Session Today!
As Seen In!
Dear Beloveds,
Why am I a Pleasure & Prosperity Expert?
Because I want to teach you what I know!
Savoring the Nectar of Life Is…
…enjoying all of life’s pleasures, wonderful senses, and delicious succulent sweetness. It is being a quaintrelle which is a woman who just like a radiant flower, draws in the bee by its beauty, radiance, and magnetic power. Savoring the nectar of life is using your sacred beauty and passionate living in order to cultivate life’s pleasures, become more abundant, feel more amazing in your body, and stand in your divine radiant feminine power. It is being magnetic and gracefully drawing in all of life’s creative goodness, sweet abundance, and gorgeous gifts. It is also standing as a sovereign queen and becoming the queen bee. A queen bee doesn’t have to prove herself or hustle to the point of exhaustion. She uses her feminine gifts to create her world and her realm. Majestic Beauty is for you if you want to have more pleasure in your body, be in delight, live in luxurious beauty, have amazing self-confidence, have deep passion, and loving connection.
So dare to desire and be desired.
Be a queen in her receiving line.
Be adored. Be in amazing epic relationships and have your beautiful and exquisite dream life. By stepping into your authentic feminine power you can Savor All Of Life’s Nectar.
Oh. Yes! I Desire My Free Copy of Sovereign-T Magazine!
Coming This Winter!

Live your legendary life of sacred beauty, ecstatic pleasure, & divine feminine power. Connect with me today to go from a life of exhaustion to a life of celebration!

How To Become A Queen In Her Receiving Line!
How To Have A Life With Knights, Kings, & Champions!

…enjoying all of life’s pleasures, wonderful senses, and delicious succulent sweetness. It is being a quaintrelle which is a woman who just like a radiant flower, draws in the bee by its beauty, radiance, and magnetic power. Savoring the nectar of life is using your sacred beauty and passionate living in order to cultivate life’s pleasures, become more abundant, feel more amazing in your body, and stand in your divine radiant feminine power. It is being magnetic and gracefully drawing in all of life’s creative goodness, sweet abundance, and gorgeous gifts. It is also standing as a sovereign queen and becoming the queen bee. A queen bee doesn’t have to prove herself or hustle to the point of exhaustion. She uses her feminine gifts to create her world and her realm. Majestic Beauty is for you if you want to have more pleasure in your body, be in delight, live in luxurious beauty, have amazing self-confidence, have deep passion, and loving connection.
So dare to desire and be desired.
Be a queen in her receiving line.
Be adored. Be in amazing epic relationships and have your beautiful and exquisite dream life. By stepping into your authentic feminine power you can Savor All Of Life’s Nectar.